Thursday, January 8, 2009

1200 FREE photo prints (click here)

Hey y'all. I came across this website that offers 1200 free photo prints. And as you refer new people you can earn points that can be used for other free items such as keychains, photo books, and others. I have not yet used my free prints, so I actually don't know yet if this is legitimate; please don't blame me if it doesn't work :) You can also click here

Monday, January 5, 2009

Visits with Friends


Melissa and I showing off our baby bellies


The boys...back in action


New Year's crew 2008- This is a Schrute Buck!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Christmas Vacation

After much anticipation and planning, we made it to California for Christmas. We really wanted it to be a surprise for most of our family members as they were not expecting us to go "home" for the holiday season; so we told only a select few. We left at 10:00PM on Sunday the 21st and arrived in Rancho Cucamonga at 5:30PM Monday. *side note: driving 19 hours through the night is not a bad way to go; that is if you're not pregnant.* Mason did pretty good. He didn't sleep as long as we had hoped for, but for our first road trip with a toddler, he didn't do too bad. The drive itself was ok. I had to drive through a blinding snow storm in the middle of the night for part of it, which is actually pretty scary.

So, on Monday night we surprised Matt's mom when we met them for dinner. We were waiting at the restaurant and sent Mason running up to her when they walked in the door. We stayed with Matt's parents through Christmas day and did our after-Christmas shopping. After Mason's nap we traveled up to Apple Valley to surprise my mom and brothers. As we were coming upon the house I called her to talk about Christmas and see if her package had arrived yet. We had Mason waiting at the front door when they opened it to check. Of course she started to cry and my brother Bryan was also pleasently surprised. My other brother Jason had told us that he had a suspision that we were coming.

After our August trip to California we were so exhausted and felt that we didn't get any quality time with one group of people. So, we spent most of our time with our families which was so great. We did however manage to get together a couple of nights with some old friends...and we're so glad we were able to do that. We left California on January 2nd and allowed ourselves to take 2 days getting back, so we arrived home on Saturday 11PM.

Thank you to all our family, whom we love and miss dearly, and to all of our friends through which we have been so blessed to know you.

here the link for pictures of our Christmas time.