I've completed 3 semesters of schooling over the last year and a half with 3 (maybe 4) more to go, and I'm proud of the work I produced (mostly) and the steps I made toward my goal. But, Matt and I talked over Christmas break and decided that now would be a good time to take a break...with me being pregnant, and feeling overwhelmed with the classes that I was registered for. I'm really looking forward to being a stay-at-home mom again. It will allow me to really focus on the family and their needs and interests over just trying to survive the day. Mason can do Awana, Grady can have a proper birthday party, and I can tackle some of my pinterest ideas...oh yeah, I guess there's that keeping the house clean and family fed thing too!
Well, here's to a new adventure, may God show me the meaning of sacrificial love, selflessness, and submission...CHEERS! *clink, clink* :)