Aside from the stresses of moving after being here in Fort Collins for a week...I have realized that it takes a lot longer to get to around b/c the speed limits are lower and things are spaced out more. I have also concluded that they have the most inconsistent weather. We've had a couple really beautiful days, but mostly we've had stormy weather, take for example the tornado that touched down in the next city over. Keep in mind that cities don't run together here like they do in LA, there is actually open space between cities. But, it was only 15 miles away. Let's also not forget to mention that a tornado hasn't hit this area in like 20 years!
Besides the speed limits and weather, I really like the city! It's just the right amount of city and small town. I get the conveniences of Target, BBB and Walgreens with the quaintness of locally owned businesses. I like that b/c then the city isn't taken over with franchises and big chain stores; the city actually prides themselves on their locally owned businesses and are very selective about which chains they will allow to build. There are so many parks and bike trails; a lot of time will be spend outdoors with fresh air. It's just so pretty here. There are trees and wild life everywhere and we are right at the foothills of the Rockies. The picture below was taken in our current backyard.